Welcome to HorseML!

Easy-to-use and very functional ML Library

HorseML is the ML Library for JuliaLang. With this package, you can build various models such as regression, classification, and decition tree, etc.

In addition, each function is designed to be easy to use, so it's good for those who want to learn machine learning with Julia!

Please try using HorseML!

Development Goals

HorseML aims to be such a library.

  • less deps

I don't like deps. so it's basic ,but I'm trying to make it as few deps as possible.

  • Easy-to-use API

No matter how advanced the functions are, it's hard to use complicated things. I'm implementing it so that it's easy to understand.

  • Equipped with interesting functions

At the moment, I haven't reached this far because I have developed basic functions, but in the feature, we are thinking of implementing experimental functions that have never existed in other ML libraries!


From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run.

pkg> add HorseML

About this Tutorial

This tutorial is made as easy to understand as possible by demonstrating examples of almost functions of HorseML. The code used as an example basically works if you run it in one Jupyter Notebook for each chapter.